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Union Customs Code Annual Progress Report 2023

Foto del escritor: CCJCCJ

News announcement

23 September 2024

Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union

On 9 September 2024, the Union Customs Code (UCC) Annual Progress Report 2023 was adopted by the European Commission. This fifth report outlines the progress made in implementing the Union Customs Code (UCC) and its 17 key digital projects

The findings draw on Member States’ input during 2023.  The report was shared with the European Council and Parliament

Since the UCC’s entry into force on 1 May 2016, the European Commission and EU Member States have been working intensively towards its digitalisation. Electronic systems are being put in place for all contacts between economic operators and customs authorities, as well as between customs authorities. This digitalisation process will help customs to protect the financial interests of the EU and to address various safety and security threats faced by its citizens. It will also help speed up and streamline customs clearance. 

The UCC offers important simplifications for trade, such as centralised clearance, entry into the declarant’s records, an EU harmonised trader portal, as well as increased levels of harmonisation in the processes and exchanges between traders and customs administrations. These simplifications will be implemented across the EU and shall bring tangible benefits to traders involved in customs business.

The 2023 Annual Progress Report summarises the progress in the 17 digital projects against the dates defined in the new UCC Work Programme. The report categorises the required systems into central systems, decentralised trans-European systems, and national systems. 



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