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Withdrawal of the UK from the EU

Foto del escritor: CCJCCJ

Actualizado: 24 mar 2020

The new EU website provides information about the impact of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU in the area of customs and taxation.

The United Kingdom submitted on 29 March 2017 the notification of its intention to withdraw from the EU pursuant to Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union.

Unless a ratified withdrawal agreement establishes another date, the United Kingdom will become a 'third country' as of 30 March 2019, 00:00h (CET) towards the rest of the EU countries. Preparing for the withdrawal in the area of customs and taxation is not just a matter for EU and national authorities but also for companies and individuals trading with the United Kingdom.

The following notices are intended to give more information on the consequences of the withdrawal:

The Commission provides information about issues related to the negotiations on the website of the Task Force on Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom and about issued related to the preparation of the withdrawal on the website for Brexit preparedness.

In the area of customs and indirect taxation, the Commission has published its Position paper on Customs related matters needed for an orderly withdrawal of the UK from the Union.

The website is regularly updated with new information.

Source EU Commission


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